The “Energy Systems of the Future” event is organised by INESC TEC to present a set of R&D solutions that will contribute to materialize the vision of energy systems with 100% renewable energy, through a combination of new technology, market schemes and intelligent computational solutions. Additionally, a panel session composed by energy experts from industry and associations will discuss R&D challenges for the future energy systems.
This event is powered by the Energy Days Initiative organised every year by the European Commission within the scope of the Sustainable Energy Week. Organised by local public and private organisations, Energy Days are activities and events that promote clean energy transition.
Event organisers
Date: May 29, 2019
Place: FEUP Main Auditorium
13:30 - 14:15| Registration and welcome
14:15 - 14:30| Opening – Maria José Espirito Santo (DGEG)
14:30 - 16:00| INESC TEC vision for the future energy system
-Power system with 100% renewable energy: the long wait... - João Peças Lopes (INESC TEC/FEUP)
-Electrification of energy systems: There shall be only one. – Filipe Joel Soares (INESC TEC)
-Artificial intelligence in the energy sector: hype, hallelujah or outdated? – Ricardo Bessa (INESC TEC)
-Smart grid technologies for addressing societal challenges. – Clara Gouveia (INESC TEC)
-The next revolution in the energy sector: buy and sell of energy! – José Villar (INESC TEC)
16:00 - 16:45| Coffee Break and TEC4ENERGY Exhibition
16:45 - 18:00| The future of energy systems by energy experts - moderator: Luís Seca (INESC TEC)
-Renewable energy - António Sá da Costa (EREF)
-Electrical grid - Aurélio Blanquet (EDP Distribuição)
-Technology - Ângelo Ramalho (EFACEC)
-Electricity markets - Jorge Vasconcelos (NEWES)
-Transmission system operator - Albino Marques (REN)
-Consumers - Isabel Oliveira (DECO)
18:00 - 18:15| Closing – Chairman of INESC TEC
keynote speakers
1st panel - INESC TEC vision for the future energy system
2nd panel - The future of energy systems by energy experts

Customizable drone for inspection of electrical assets
Autonomous rotary wing drone to inspect and monitor grid assets, wind turbines and PV panels. This technological solution allows a reduction of the human risk, operational costs and time.

Gamification Platform
Boost energy efficiency through a combination of innovative multivariate sensors and digital technologies.

Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS)
A system to optimize home energy consumption, manage and control devices according to user preferences.

Smart inverters for domestic PV and storage
Power converter prototypes as key enablers for smarter electricity grids. This technological solution allows energy storage management and harvesting in a smarter and grid-interactive manner.

Offshore wireless communications
Communications box enabling the Internet of Sea. This technology is high-speed and provides low latency offshore communications.

Wireless networks for real-time smart grid monitoring
Smart Network for Smart Grids. Feeder-aware, self-healing and scalable wireless network for real-time communications.
FEUP Main Auditorium
FEUP – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
R. Dr. Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto